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Welcome to CSCI 524 Game Project - Aniki Fight. We are thrilled you’ve come to visit this showcase of our work that we’ve compiled over this term, which includes a combination of BRAND NEW GAME, NETWORK CONNECTIONS, and ARTIFICAL-INTELLIGENCE characters. Take a look and feel free to get in touch if you’d like to discuss more about this game/project.

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STORY: This game is inspired by two famous games: Mortal Kombat and Street Fighter. A special feature of this game lies in the character in game, THE famous Albert Einstein. Users will control this great character fight each other or verse AI or watch AI vs AI.


* AI SPECIFICATION: Generally speaking, our Artificial Intelligent mechanism mainly have 2 layers: Adaptive layer and Decision trees layer.  First, adaptive layer will use Hann function and Convolution core to generate player type model by wide & deep learning based on the tensor flow with Unity ML agent.Then, the decision trees layer will make corresponding movements according to the player type model.


* LEVELS/ENVIRONMENT: We assume there are about 2 difficulties: normal and hard, difficulties can be set be developers by changing the AI reaction speed. Considering this is Unity 2D battle game, environment design involves different backgrounds such as space or underground. 


* GAME PLAY/CONTROL: Same as the mortal kombat type, user will use W, S, A, D to control character move up, down, left and right. Also, J, K and L on the keyboard allow user to fight lightly, heavily or special attack. (P.S. each special attack need 8 seconds cooling time)

ART: This game is based on pixel art type which created through the use of software, where images are edited on the pixel level or called 8-bit game. Also, the detail art of the characters including some movements are copy right from team of the journal Science and Culture Superinteressante).

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1. Yuqian Chen  (UI Developer)

2. Yifei He  (Network Developer);

3. Hongrui Li  (AI Developer);

4. Yunxiang Fei  (AI&Web Developer);

5. Zihan Zhang  (Art Developer);

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